Preventive Legal Care
Trainers, boarding facilities, handlers, and breeders earn income providing services to their clients, caring for their clients' dogs, and selling dogs. You share a common goal of safeguarding the dogs in your care, providing quality services, and maximizing the financial investment you've made in your business, not to mention the time and talent you have given it.
When Should You Hire An Attorney:
There was a time when business was conducted with just a handshake. Buyers and sellers trusted each other in general business transactions and assumed the good character of the other party. Unfortunately, those days are long gone. Technology, work pressures, financial demands, communication errors, and lack of knowledge of the law creates dangerous pitfalls for transacting business without someone to guide you.
Kathy most commonly advises clients on the following subjects:
Code violations, including minimum care standards, noise complaints, and nuisance issues
Dog sales, leases, and breeding, including semen collection, freezing, and storage
Training and boarding
Liability releases and waivers
Joint ownership, partnership, and ownership issues
Business advising for profit and non-profit businesses, including entity formation and employment issues
Insurance coverage
Risk assessment
Veterinary malpractice, negligence, and authorization for treatment
Debt collection and creditors' rights, including lien enforcement for unpaid board and training
Claim and delivery or replevin actions to regain possession of an owner's dog and property
Contact Kathy to discuss your new or existing business and be proactive in protecting your investment.